We Need To Talk About The Absolute Perfection That Is Tim Riggins

    Texas forever, baby.

    Timothy "33" Riggins (played by the beautiful Taylor Kitsch) is one of God's greatest gifts to humanity.

    And we are all blessed to have him walking among us...

    ...errr, rather, fictionally walking across our television screens.

    However you want to think about it, let's talk about the glorious perfection that is this man.

    Tim is something of a ladies' man — he's no stranger to getting exactly what he wants from the opposite sex.

    But he isn't just concerned about the ladies. Tim also cares very deeply about all of his friends and teammates.

    In fact, he even treats them like they're his own family.

    And goes to any lengths to help out and make their lives better.

    Tim is nothing short of compassionate and is constantly looking out for everyone around him.

    Not to mention, he can even make a pickup truck look good.

    Have you ever seen a pair of sunglasses look this good?

    Definitely not.

    One of Tim's most lovable qualities is his sensitive side — he, too, puts his heart on the line when it comes to love.

    Plus, he's really great with little kids and has a knack for caregiving, even though neither of his parents were around much.

    Seriously, he's so cute with children it'll make your ovaries explode.

    The way Tim cares about his dog is probably one of the most precious things you'll witness in your whole damn life.


    Riggins' unbeatable sense of humor and playful attitude is also what makes him so great.

    He's adorable when he finds out he's about to be an uncle.

    He's adorable from the wee hours of the morning until the sun sets on our green Earth.

    He's even adorable when he takes Becky dress shopping and doesn't want to be there.

    Let us not forget the reason most of us are even in love with Tim in the first place: His body just WILL. NOT. QUIT.

    ~He woke up like this.~

    *sings* I like cute butts and I cannot lie.

    He's gorgeous when he's happy.

    And he somehow manages to pull off being even more gorgeous when he's sad.

    The world would be a much better place if there were more Tim Riggins' to go around.

    And that's just a fact.

    No one, and I mean NO ONE, can rock a Panthers jersey quite like 33.

    Thank you, Tim, for teaching us all to never turn down a memory.

    Texas forever, bb <3