20 Reasons Why The Internet Is An Underrated Significant Other

    The internet is actually way out of your league.

    1. The internet will never judge you for being a hypochondriac.

    2. It loves all of your kinks.

    3. The internet is always willing to go out with you.

    4. But it also loves cozy nights in.

    5. It hooks you up with job opportunities.

    6. It will not hesitate to drop everything and go online shopping with you.

    7. It will love you even when you look your grossest.

    8. But if you want to get dressed up, the internet can't wait to show you off to everybody.

    9. It wants to see every single one of your ridiculous vacation pictures.

    10. You have tons of cats together and you don't even have to feed them!

    11. The internet helps you find new music without judging you for not having found it yet.

    12. It will answer all of your embarrassing questions.

    13. The internet knows you have a history, and it doesn't care if you'd rather not talk about it.

    14. The internet doesn't get jealous...

    15. ...Even when you stalk your exes.

    16. And it's not threatened by your success.

    17. It makes jokes, and it's not afraid to be a cornball.

    18. Its jokes can really tickle you.

    19. It wants to experience everything with you. Everything.

    20. The internet could be with anyone, but it chose YOU.