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What's The Pettiest Thing You’ve Ever Done After A Friendship Breakup?

Share your stories with us!

Plenty of people get petty revenge after the end of a relationship, but friendship breakups can be wayyy worse than romantic breakups — leading to even pettier behavior.

For example, maybe your best friend since middle school stole your boyfriend, so you asked out the brother she always forbade you from dating — then actually fell in love with him.

couple kissing in the snow

Or maybe you ended the friendship because they were always copying you, but you tricked them into thinking you'd shaved off your eyebrows first.

goth chick at school lunch

Or maybe your BFF moved out of your shared apartment without telling you but left their phone behind, so you changed all their contacts to "Shrek" before giving it back to them.

guy on the phone

What's the pettiest thing you did after a friendship breakup? Why did y'all stop being friends, and how did they react to your petty behavior? Share your stories in the comments, and they may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!