15 Fall Pregnancy Ideas That Are Simply Brilliant

    Let the heat be gone!

    1. Feeling nauseous? Well, sucking candies can help! Stock up before and after Halloween (when candy is half price).

    2. If you can't get comfy on the couch (or in front of the fireplace), try snuggling up with a memory foam wedge pillow.

    3. And while you are snuggled indoors, indulge in some pumpkin-flavored white hot chocolate for maximum relaxation before the baby arrives.

    4. Need to de-stress and unwind? Try doing some pregnancy meditation outdoors in the cool weather before it gets too chilly.

    5. If you don't want to buy a ~new fall wardrobe~ keep your same pants and simply use a hair tie or rubber band as an expander for your jeans.

    6. Or make your own belly band to cover up jeans that you can no longer button. It will also add length to your tops.

    7. Visit a pumpkin patch with your loved one and take it all in before you have to lug a stroller and a diaper bag around.

    8. If you're experiencing swollen pregnancy feet, soak them in tonic water.

    Cold or room-temperature tonic water reduces swelling in feet and ankles. The quinine reduces inflammation and the bubbles soothe sore feet.

    9. Want to do something special with your bump on Halloween? Dress it up with some clever costume ideas.

    10. If you are struggling with morning sickness, make electrolyte solution freezie pops to help prevent nausea during the day.

    11. And, since it is apple picking season, try drinking some apple cider vinegar to help reduce heartburn.

    12. Don't worry about investing in new maternity bras. Instead, buy "bra-back extenders" and wear the bras you already own.

    13. If your bump is weighing you down, use an ice pack strap to help hold it up.

    14. And if you are still getting back pain, alleviate it with an exercise ball.

    15. Finally, utilize that bump as a table for your snacks.