People Are Sharing The Awkwardly Embarrassing Things They've Said During Sex, And It's So Cringey But So Funny

    "You feelin' it now, Mr. Krabs?!"

    User @fratoholic went viral on TikTok after sharing the most embarrassing thing he's ever said during sex. He explains in his video that a girl was on top of him and he said, "Fuck yeah, DUDE!'"

    So, he asked other people to also share the cringey things they've said while doing the deed. And, just as we hoped, TikTokers did not dissapoint...

    First of all, accidentally saying "dad" instead of "daddy" tends to be a pretty common oopsie when it comes to sex talk:

    But this girl took it to the next level and claimed the title of "daddy".

    "He's like who's your daddy? and I said me AND I LIVE BY THAT

    This girl turned into an Italian pastry lover:

    This person thought it would be funny to do a little '90s Kool-Aid man reference:

    He said "Oh year" and I said it back in the kool-aid man voice [facepalm emoji]

    This person admitted they just needed more alcohol to enjoy the sex:

    He whispered in my ear "you like that" and I said I need more vodka"

    This person must just really like cars...and probably bad dad jokes:

    Not me, but the dude. He put his ice cold hand on my [kitty emoji[ and said "just cooling down the engine [smiling emoji}

    And this person brought political references into the bedroom:

    I said to the not that far left and he said got it, Hillary not Bernie

    This person found a way to include SpongeBob and friends:

    you feelin it now mr krabs I was 100% sober

    This person was not down to just "go along with it," since they really wanted to know what the other person was saying:

    He was talking dirty to me and I kept saying huh? Cause I couldn't hear him

    This person knew to not make any promises they couldn't keep:

    He said tell me you want my kids I said I'm not financially stable enough for children

    This person takes sex talk very literally:

    he asked who's cat emoji is this? i said mine why?

    This person must believe honesty is always the best policy — no matter the circumstance:

    he said tell me this is the best you've had and i started cracking up and said no and he started crying lmfao

    And I really have no words about the guy this person was hooking up with:

    my ex and i did it while i was on my period...he said "it's like I'm ur tampon" y'all I can't make this up I never saw him again

    This person knows consent is always a priority:

    she said "don't ever stop what ur doing" and I said "I'll never stop" paused, and then I said unless you asked me to stop cause consent " sweating emoji and two skull emojis

    This person likes to tie in video games and sex:

    He went to go pull the covers over us and I couldn't stop laughing. He was like?? And I just said you "you know how like, in sims when they do woohoo?"

    This person who may or may not be having sex just for exercise:

    right in the middle of it, my ex's Apple Watch lit up and he yelled "I met my exercise goal!!!"

    This person just lets the wording flow with the situation:

    I got tired from riding him and he said "come on go faster" and I said "I'm giving her all she's got, Captain!" crying laughing emoji

    This person might need to practice pronunciation during pillow talk:

    IDK if this counts but I said "Babe" and he thought I said "Dave" so he was like who the hell is Dave?" and I was just as confused as he was"

    This person tried to spice things up with an accent:

    He asked for head and I said "alrighty then" in a british accent

    And, finally, this person who may not have the best off-the-cuff responses to compliments:

    he told me "omg ur so tight" n i said "thanks you're pretty cool too...still hit tho

    These are all in good fun and gave us a great laugh! Have you ever said something embarrassing during sex? Tell us in the comments!