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People Are Loving The Idea Of These Introvert-Friendly Shopping Baskets At This Sephora

The color-coded baskets can help introverts shop in solitude.

We've all been there. You know, when you just want to "browse" inside a store, but then you see the sales associate coming right at you, grinning ear to ear, saying, "Are you looking for anything in particular? What can I help you find?"

I mean, their intentions are good, but sometimes you just want to be left alone, you know?!

Well, a Sephora store in Europe is changing all that with its color-coded basket system.

There is a fellow introvert on the Sephora customer experience team who deserves A RAISE RIGHT NOW

Customers can grab the red basket if they are wanting assistance and customers who do not can take a black one.

After Twitter user Cami Williams tweeted about the baskets last week, over 241,000 people liked it and over 50,000 people started talking about it.

@cwillycs I hope this person is the ceo now

A lot of people began recalling their own awkward moments that could have been prevented with baskets like these.

@cwillycs I was at Apple Store last November, looking for a gift. I had been there 11 Minutes and already been asked by 4 different employees. I told the 4th person that I truly felt uncomfortable after that many contacts in a short time. They were understanding but have to do so 🤨

@cwillycs Oh god please put this in lush, I want a bath bomb but it’s like an assault course of cheery horror in there!

However, baskets like this aren't a brand-new idea – they just haven't been utilized much. Back in 2016, a Korean beauty store featured baskets with the same message.

If your favorite phrase is "No thanks, I'm just looking," then these are the shopping baskets for you. Innisfree, a Korean beauty store,…

And, as of now, the baskets aren't available in any U.S. stores (that we know of). So, people of the internet...