This Kid's Costume Of Donald Trump's Hair Is Halloween Goals

    This costume really TRUMPS them all.

    A 10-year-old boy is about to make Halloween great again. This incredible Donald Trump costume was designed by Jessica DeVader of Wichita, Kansas, and worn by her son, Gage.

    The "WTF is that?" head of hair is made from a golf umbrella covered with muslin. DeVader told BuzzFeed she glued fake grass table skirts in sections around the umbrella to achieve the perfect comb-over look.

    And the giant "Make America Great Again" hat? It was carefully crafted from three sheets of poster board.

    "Gage's shirt pays homage to Trump's orange face!" DeVader said.

    This isn't the first Halloween that Gage has nailed. "I would say our fun with Halloween began from the start," DeVader said. "I just wanted my son to learn to embrace his uniqueness and individuality."

    "Every year we come up with a ridiculous idea and he just goes for it!"

    Here's Gage's past Halloween looks, including Zoltar, the fortune-telling machine...

    Gage as Sharknado...

    And Gage as David Bowie's character, Jareth the Goblin King, from Labyrinth.

    All we gotta say is keep slaying Halloween, Gage.