We Asked Moms What Sex Was Like After Birth And Here's What They Said

    "My husband got squirted in the eye with my breast milk."

    We recently asked moms from the BuzzFeed Community what sex was like after they gave birth. Below are their honest responses.

    1. It's like losing your virginity all over again.

    2. Your boobs will likely squirt or leak milk during sex.

    3. Some doctors put in extra, unnecessary stitches. Stitching you up too tight is called the "husband" stitch and it makes sex extremely painful. (So, thoroughly check out your delivery doctors!)

    4. It's hard to shut off your "mom brain" during the act.

    5. A lot of your sex will have to be scheduled.

    6. And you will have to sneak most of your sex.

    7. Communication means good sex.

    8. Sex can actually be better after kids!

    9. You might find sex strictly ~primal~ for a while.

    10. And you might not have any sex for a long time.

    11. You have to "prepare" for sex.

    12. Breastfeeding can kill your sex drive.

    13. If you get an IUD after birth, be extremely cautious.

    14. And a lot of women immediately get pregnant again.

    15. But, in a nutshell, sex after birth can be very great.

    Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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