I'm A Mom Who Did Not Put Up A Christmas Tree This Year And Here's Why

    I didn't plan to not put up a tree. It just happened.

    This past weekend I realized Christmas was only two and a half weeks away (while in the 99 cent store).

    It's not that I hate Christmas – I actually really like it – I'm just not one of those people who gets all giddy about going through the holiday aisles in Target before it's even Thanksgiving. Which is exactly why I didn't have anything Christmas-themed in my home yet.

    So, as I was grabbing rolls of gift wrap and tape, I started having an internal breakdown thinking about all the ~mom~ things I* still needed to do: getting teacher gifts, decorating, wrapping presents, buying the outfit required for my son's holiday program, YOU GET IT.

    When I got home, I thought about the tree and how it was tucked away in storage with all the Christmas decorations. I thought about how much a pain in the a$$ it was going to be to get to it.

    I also didn't feel like listening to my husband complain about how we "have too much stuff" as he helped me unpack the holiday accessories. So, instead, I decided to knock one other lingering thing off my list: Wrapping the presents that were hidden in my closet.

    As I sat there alone in my room, feeling like a failure for doing such a poor wrapping job, I tried not to cry thinking about how I am always falling short in the motherhood department.

    Feeling like crap, I pulled my oversized hoodie over my knees and a mini Snickers fell out of the pocket. It's silly, but it changed my mood. I thought about how the only thing I want for Christmas is to be with the ones I love – none of the other crap matters to me. I never paid attention to things like my mom's wrapping job growing up. And, yes, it was fun decorating the tree, but I don't think I would have loved my mom any less if we didn't do it. So, I brushed myself off, and decided to call a family meeting.

    Before I get into the whole "no tree" thing, I think it's important to note that my son is 11. He figured out Elf on the Shelf and Santa a couple years ago. But, he LOVES Christmas. It's his favorite holiday. What I am trying to say is: He looks forward to decorating!

    But, I'm a working mom and I'm busy and doing a tree this year was just...a lot. I didn't want to do it! I decided I needed to propose my "no tree, no decorations" idea to my fam. (I know some people are going to attack me in the comments, saying I'm "lazy," so I would just like to say: First of all, you don't know what personal stuff I have going on in my life right now, and, second of all, you're mean.)

    After the initial shock at my suggestion, I started explaining the reasons behind it. I talked about how I wanted to focus on each other this year. We could still have hot cocoa and play games and have fun – just without the decorations...or the tree.

    Maybe it was my son seeing how excited I was about NOT having a tree, but he immediately got excited about not having one, too. He ran into our junk drawer, got some paper and tape, and did this to the lamp:

    So, that was that. I finished wrapping the presents peacefully that night and the next morning woke up to this beautiful sight: