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Pregnant Bellies Don't Really Look Like They Do In The Movies, Here's What They Actually Look Like

Just here bringin' the facts.

Pregnancy and childbirth in Hollywood can be pretty comical...and also pretty unrealistic.

Like when Brooklyn Decker sneezed out a baby.

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Or when Sofia Vergara had virtually no belly button.

The bellies are obviously fake, and they definitely look like it.


Would it hurt to add something a little more real, like stretch marks?

They're totally natural, and, like, really common.

'Cause babies make bellies stretch.

Or the linea nigra, which appears in a lot of pregnancies.

You see the line there? That's it.

And, hey, the belly isn't always perfectly centered and perfectly round (especially when there's multiples).

How about tattoos? Some women have 'em.

Or piercings? Those are common, too.

Yes, darling, pregnancy belly hairs are a thing.

And so are dark, protruding belly veins.

So, let's celebrate all the amazing pregnant bellies for how they REALLY are. K? Thx.