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    18 GIF's That Capature The Struggle Of Catalyst Teachers

    Let's be real, we've all witnessed the struggle before. Now we're just reflecting upon it on a Friday!

    1. When a scholar comes with 5 minutes left of Academic Lab.

    2. When a quiet scholar unexpectedly defies you.

    3. When scholars laugh at something you didn't intend to be a joke.

    4. When the copy machine is out of toner and your entire lesson depended on handouts.

    5. When you're pretty sure it's the quiet kid next to the troublemaker who's actually calling all the shots.

    6. When you're in the middle of a transition and the fire alarm goes off.

    7. When a "sick" scholar leaves your class for lunch.

    8. When you come back the day after having a sub.

    9. When a scholar returning from a suspension enters your classroom.

    10. When a scholar gets too physical at threshold.

    11. When you get to college seminar at the end of a long day.

    12. When you watch scholars try and follow simple instructions.

    13. When you try a new instructional method in your co-taught class.

    14. When scholars ask you a question about a class you don't teach.

    15. When a scholar has a third emotional outburst in one class period.

    16. When you see a scholar stick gum under the table.

    17. When a scholar tries to tell you to give another scholar demerits.

    18. When a scholar tries to ruin your day on a Friday.