Everyone Needs To Stop And Look At How Hot Jeremy From "Unreal" Is

    It is unreal how hot he is (lol, sorry).

    If you're not already watching Unreal, Josh Kelly, aka Jeremy, is reason enough* to start.

    He's got that whole rugged, bearded-man thing going for him.

    And the former real-life Army Ranger might be the sweetest guy on the show.

    I mean, look at that sexual tension.

    Sorry, he can't smile in this picture because he's too busy MAKING YOUR PANTS FALL OFF WITH HIS EYES.

    Just look at this lucky little snake — I bet you didn't know you wanted to be a snake until right now.

    Catching snakes on set! #unrealtv #SteadyCamSnake #ScaringActresses

    Or a camera. I would definitely be a camera.

    This guy in the background? He can't handle it, either.

    "I can't even be near you right now."

    Thanks for being you.