Here's Why George Takei Is The Hero We All Need

    Live long and prosper.

    This is George Takei.

    You might know him as Sulu from Star Trek.

    Here is he again, doing the Vulcan salute.

    He's accomplished more in 77 years than most people could accomplish in several lifetimes.

    Takei has overcome obstacles that most people can't even fathom.

    He was the coolest kid in school when he attended Shakespeare Institute at Stratford-Upon-Avon.

    He casually ran for political office before deciding to take up acting.

    He also has "international ambassador" on his lengthy resume.

    And when he's not saving the world... he's running marathons.

    He FEARLESSLY ate some nasty stuff on I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Outta Here!

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    Guy's a CHAMP.

    He isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

    George and his husband, Brad, were the first gay couple to appear on the Newlywed Game.

    And their wedding vows will make you cry happy tears.

    In 2006, Takei traveled for an "Equality Trek" tour where he spoke about his experience as a gay Japanese American.

    Oh yeah, and he's social media royalty with his 7 million followers on Facebook.

    If we all could be just a tenth as great as George Takei... we'd be doing just fine.