

I am going to update my image.I did NOT go on Facebook to find a bunch of men for sex. NO THAT IS NOT WHY I JOINED. I joined to find friends from long a go and to make new ones.I like to read, watch movies, I can ride a horse, shoot a gun , use a sword. I am all that and none of it. I like to write and hope with in the coming year to write a book. I was born and raised in Reno,Nevada so I guess that makes me a sort of desert rat. I love the free open spaces. I love to be out in the desert after a rain, if you listen carefully you can hear the deserts heart beat. I am pretty much down to earth and I will say what I think and if you don't like it well to bad. I'm a bonfied chin in hands dreamer. I have a heart and am a kind and loving person, but it's not wise to make me mad. I have great affection for one man and one day will meet him to tell him so. I have much to give but please don't think that makes me push over. If I like you I'll tell you but DON"T cross the line of friendship because that"s all I want. You can ask me anything and most questions I'll answer. So if you're looking for a friend I would like that, but remember only friends. OOOXXX

Jan 2012
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