24 Things You Remember From Early 2000's DeviantART

    An ode to the Web 1.0 kitsch that you loved.

    1. You remember when the front page looked like this.

    2. There were a ton of fan clubs for you to belong to.

    3. You downloaded and designed WinAmp skins.

    4. You read super helpful art tutorials.

    5. You thanked everyone for watching your gallery.

    6. And freaked out when an admin followed you.

    7. After uploading an artwork, you mashed F5 to see if you got a new comment.

    8. You never recovered from that one time your art got featured on the front page in Daily Deviation.

    9. Things you and other DevART teens loved: Linux, cargo pants, industrial music.

    10. Things you and other DevART teens hated: Avril, Hot Topic, Internet Explorer.

    11. You looked up Photoshop guides on how to make everything look like an iMac plastic button.

    12. Everything on the site was either a Terragen CGI landscape wallpaper—

    13. —or photo-manipulated selfies—

    14. —Or "The Matrix" and "Invader Zim" fan art—

    15. —or an abstract 3D design.

    16. (Most of the time, it's some variety of traumatizing fan art.)

    17. Everyone on there listened to SoMa FM radio.

    18. ~jasinski's paintings made you want to become a DJ-barista in Seattle.

    19. These emoticons were everything.

    20. But you also downloaded novelty emoticons to use in MSN Messenger and Livejournal.

    21. When the Print Shop opened, you thought you'd make mad bank selling your art.

    22. You taught yourself every design program you needed to know on that site.

    23. And got to know other techno-utopian dorkwads across the world.

    24. When an artist you admired talked to you, you tried to play it cool.

    Miss you, early 2000's DeviantART.