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What's The Most Messed Up Thing You've Ever Done To A Sibling?

Can't live with them, can't live without them.

Siblings are amazing.

In fact, they're actually one of the best things about being a kid. You always have a built-in friend.

But sometimes—actually pretty often— your siblings piss you off, or you piss them off. It looks a little something like this:


That scream!!!!

Or maybe you were the older sibling and you had a special "game" you played with your lil' bro or sis. Something like this...

Sometimes things get taken a little too far, "I punched her in the stomach five years ago on Christmas Eve, before church." But, why?

And often things get a little out of hand...

No matter how brutal, tell us about the time your siblings did something to you or you did something to your siblings in the comments below!

The most cringeworthy/hilarious submissions will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.