22 Examples Of Old People Using Technology That Will Make Millennials Die Laughing

    "My name is Michael NOT GICHAEL PLEASE CHANGE."

    1. This excited grandma:

    2. Sorry, Gichael, that's not how this works:

    3. This dad who just wanted a little help:

    4. This mom:

    5. Berneta just wanted to get Allen's attention:

    6. This budding foodie:

    7. This incredible life event:

    8. Awww, this amateur selfie:

    9. This yard sale Facebook group:

    10. Poops, Grandma, lol:

    11. "Hi 👋:"

    12. The review on this ad...savage:

    13. Where's he at:

    14. LOL, this lovely exchange:

    15. This background, lmao:

    16. Dad's calling up Mr. Uber for his kid:

    17. Granny just upped her clout:

    18. Hopefully this was a meme...

    19. If at first you don't succeed, keep on trying:

    20. Mom just felt the need to dab in honor of Thanksgiving:

    21. This life lesson:

    22. And in conclusion, grandmas love to embarrass their grandkids: