18 Motivating Things That Will Make Getting Out Of Bed Easier

    They did THAT...and you can too.

    1. This is Jarod...He's fucking awesome:

    2. And this is Shannon, he PERSISTED:

    3. The moral of this story is to never give up:

    4. Even when things feel like they aren't happening, they are:

    5. Because you can always open it back up again:

    6. You CAN change:

    7. JUST. DO. IT.

    8. Be yourself:

    9. Because remember, everyone had to start somewhere:

    10. A 4.0 doesn't always guarantee to success:

    11. Because no one wants to live with regret:

    12. Remember who or what you're doing it for:

    13. Don't forget that shit happens:

    14. Even if your past wasn't ideal, look to the future:

    15. Let this letter be a lesson for all of us:

    16. Even the most famous people struggled:

    17. And no matter how long it takes you to do something, YOU STILL DID IT:

    18. And finally, I'll leave you with this...