18 Funny Photos That You Didn't Even Know You Needed Today

    Let's all giggle together.

    1. First up there's this "food" sign:

    2. Next, there's this out of body experience for Weird Al:

    3. Imagine sleeping in this bed:

    4. We've got this very factual statement:

    5. There's this poor scared woman and that poor mans face:

    6. LOL:

    7. The accuracy here:

    8. Don't fuck with this stitcher:

    9. Or this savage note writer:

    10. Never have I felt more seen:

    11. I never thought about it that way but...OK:

    12. OMG:

    13. See, Boston can be funny:

    14. Hmmm, well this phone doesn't seem to be THAT smart:

    15. Listen up, hotels everywhere:

    16. Well in that case, I'll take it:

    17. Houston, we have a problem:

    18. OK, sorry, bye: