18 Legit Fails That Will Leave You Cackling Like Crazy

    "Do you know how sexy it is when he teases you in bed with a bird leaf?"

    1. We're starting with this egregious photoshop fail, my God:

    2. Next, we have this holiday message fail:

    3. Maybe it's not a good idea to go all Fast and the Furious in your dad's car:

    4. This liquor store is...drunk:

    5. Awww, this mom is a sweet, sweet angle:

    6. This poor, poor baby:

    7. And poor Mr. Wight Guy:

    8. Honestly, put this one in the headline hall of fame:

    9. Yes please, tease me with a bird leaf:

    10. We've got this green screen fail:

    11. This one seems like a raw deal:

    12. And clearly we know who THIS culprit is:

    13. Metal straws for the environment...wait, what:

    14. C'mon guys, this one ain't that hard:

    15. Maybe this person shouldn't have skipped math class:

    16. But, I'm sorry, I'm confused, you're a PRINTER:

    17. Lol look at those sale prices, they aren't 50% off:

    18. And finally this is a fail of epic proportions: