19 Things That'll Definitely Make You Do A Double Take

    These are interesting AF.

    1. This "transparent" phone:

    2. These "egg" rocks:

    3. This butterfly with a "89" inscription:

    4. This child being walked and dog roaming free:

    5. This shadow:

    6. This "fake" skylight to help calm people down before surgery:

    7. These airless bike tires:

    8. These magnets that don't need to be hung up:

    9. This coffee that looks like a planet:

    10. This TV fish tank:

    11. This perfectly laid cord:

    12. The way the light enters the crack of this door:

    13. This fallen tree that birthed four new trees:

    14. This genius elevator sign that tells you when it's raining out:

    15. This van's wicked paint job:

    16. This unidentified cloud:

    17. This siamese dog:

    18. This algae that looks solid:

    19. And finally, this lowercase stop sign:

    Shoutout to r/mildlyinteresting for these wacky finds.