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19 Pictures That Are Way Too Real For College Students

"I'm poor, I'm starving, I'm flat broke, I've got no cash to spend."

1. There's tuition.

2. Then books.

3. Which leaves your bank account like...

4. You should always have a plan though.

5. But then come the group projects.

6. ...and the confusion.

7. Thankfully you encounter teachers who are ~cool~.

8. Although the homework can be overwhelming.

9. But there are always little victories.

10. And huge triumphs.

11. Or even better...surprises.

12. But remember that there will be low moments, too.

13. And there are sometimes setbacks.

14. Sometimes it's all too much and you need a break.

15. Little things help you to get by.

16. But then your parents start to nag.

17. It's a never-ending struggle.

18. As the semester nears a close, some give up.

19. But at the end of the day, remember this one important lesson...