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18 Facebook Posts So Ridiculous You Won't Know Whether To Laugh Or Shake Your Head

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you might pee your pants.

1. This student really fuckin' tried it:

2. And then this teacher's student really tried it:

3. This "psychic" tried it:

4. This guy tried it with his response to an earthquake:

5. This savage grandma had enough:

6. This mom really fuckin tried it with her response:

7. This condom ad on Facebook tried it:

8. Andy tried it with his seven year joke:

9. OK, just...yikes:

10. This person just TRIED it:

11. Mitchell tried it:

12. This smarty pants tried it:

13. Wowwwwwww:

14. Sean tried it, but Mark took him out like a savage:

15. This kid tried it, but got called out:

16. I'm so sorry for this one, but everyone involved TRIED IT:

17. OK, that old man, OMG:

18. OK so this one is a tweet, but I had to include it because—LMAO, she tried it with this joke: