The Weird Shit New Couples Learn About Each Other

    It’s the little things that might be a dealbreaker.

    The honeymoon period of your relationship is always pure bliss. But, what happens when you start to learn the weird shit your partner does? Like how they use the bathroom with the door open. Or how the volume on TV has to be an even number. That's when your relationship is put to the test.

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    1. You'll witness weird food habits.

    2. The odd little things that bother them.

    3. Or when they have to poop...with the door open...and butt-ass naked.

    4. When you realize that they're into a genre of music you know nothing about.

    5. And when your partner is a germaphobe, it affects everything you do in the house.

    6. It's date night! But, they're wearing the same hat they wore the last three date nights.

    7. That moment when you can't sleep because they snore so fucking loud.

    But despite all their quirks, at the end of the day your love for them outweighs all the weird things they do.