Two People Changed A Diaper For The First Time And It Got Messy

    "Number one or number two?"

    In this "Married Vs. Single" episode, Kelsey and Ned are facing their fears and changed a baby's diaper. Things got a little pissy, poopie, and adorable:

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    Meet Ned: Ned is happily married with no kids…yet

    Meet Kelsey: Kelsey is very single.

    And both are not equipped to change a diaper.

    Meet Adam, the baby expert, and his precious little bundle of joy, Samantha…, really-fucking-adorable.

    Who needs to be changed!

    So, Adam left the single lady and the happily married man to achieve the unthinkable. They had to change Sam's diaper.

    Ned remembered a technique, where you lift the baby's legs up with one hand and take the baby's pants off with the other hand.

    And it's only right that when you change a baby's diaper you give the tummy some love too.

    It was time to unleash the beast and take off the used diaper, and Kelsey was not being a good team player.

    So Ned took matters into his own hands. Don't worry, it was just pee!

    But even a baby's pee smells like something else.

    You can name the smell a face like this would make.

    And I guess the smell was so bad, Ned couldn’t even look for a trashcan.

    After wiping Samantha and giving her a new diaper, they got an approval from the baby expert on changing a diaper...

    ...except they forgot to put on the rest of Sam's clothes.

    And even though Kelsey realized changing a baby's diaper wasn't that bad, it's something she didn't want to do again.

    While Ned's cold heart turned to hot ooze and the baby fever kicked in.