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    We Ranked The Top 10 "Bridgerton" Couples And Romantic Storylines, And Wow, There's Not A Couple I DON'T Like

    This show is just FULL of couples to ship.

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    Netflix’s hit series, Bridgerton and prequel Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, have given us some of our favorite regency-era romances.

    Stills from a period drama showing two couples in a ballroom setting, dressed in formal historical attire, engaged in dance

    With the arrival of Season 3 in just a few days, it’s fitting to rank the most romantic storylines of the series so far!

    Bridgerton character Penelope Featherington, in a Regency-era dress, looking pensive during a scene

    10. Colin Bridgerton and Marina

    9. Benedict Bridgerton and Genevieve Delacroix

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    8. Theo and Eloise

    Two actors in period costume facing each other with a romantic gaze in a dimly-lit vintage setting

    7. Colin and Penelope

    Two characters from the series "Bridgerton" in a period room, the woman in an elaborate gown, the man in formal wear

    6. Will and Alice Mondrich

    A woman embraces a man from behind, both dressed in period attire, in a tender moment indoors

    5. Edmund and Violet Bridgerton

    4. Brimsley and Reynolds

    3. Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Bassett

    Woman and man in period clothing gaze at each other with a park scene behind them

    2. Kate Sharma and Anthony Bridgerton

    Two characters from Bridgerton, a man in a period coat and a woman in a pink dress, sit together outdoors with smiles

    1. George III and Queen Charlotte

    Man in period costume reaching out to woman in garden dress, both standing amidst flowers

    Do you agree or disagree with our list? Let us know what you think and which Bridgerton couples won your heart in the comments below!

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