19 Times TV Characters Did Something Incredibly Out Of Character, And It Pissed Everyone Off

    The way Alex Karev was written off Grey's Anatomy simply made no sense: "I understand that the actor wanted to leave, but demolishing all those years of character growth failed to serve as an effective exit for anyone, viewer or character-wise."

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the most out-of-character moments on TV shows. Here's what they had to say:

    🚨Warning: Spoilers ahead, including ones for "And Just Like That..." and "The Umbrella Academy" Season 3!!! 🚨

    1. First, on Game of Thrones, when Jaime left Brienne to go back to Cersei during the final season.

    jamie with his hand on cersei's neck

    2. On The Umbrella Academy, when Allison killed Harlan and didn't feel even remotely bad about it.

    allison saying he didn't deserve to live

    3. On And Just Like That..., when Miranda cheated on Steve with Che.

    miranda on the phone with carrie telling her she's going to surprise che

    4. On Glee, when Rachel quit her dream role in Funny Girl to go to LA and star in a mediocre TV pilot about her life.

    rachel being told that she will be sued for breach of contract

    5. Also on Glee, when Blaine cheated on Kurt.

    blaine telling kurt that he was lonely as an excuse for cheating

    6. On Grey's Anatomy, when Alex Karev left Jo for Izzie in a freaking letter.

    jo reading the letter from alex

    7. On Friday Night Lights, when Landry killed Tyra's attacker and then they covered up the murder together.

    two characters in the parking lot

    8. On Shameless, when Fiona just...left.

    fionna asking lip to take care of the other siblings

    9. On Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when everyone suddenly turned against Buffy and chose Faith as their new leader.

    buffy confused over the change of heart

    10. On How I Met Your Mother, when Robin and Barney divorced and then Robin and Ted got back together in the final minutes of the series finale.

    ted showing up for robin

    11. On Dance Academy, when Abigail almost gave up on dancing:

    close up of abigail

    12. On Gilmore Girls, when Rory dropped out of Yale and stopped speaking to Lorelai.

    rory saying she's not going back to yale

    13. On The O.C. when Ryan decided that he wanted to drop out altogether during his senior year and leave town to work on a fishing boat.

    ryan telling marissa that he wants to leave

    14. On That '70s Show, when Donna decided not to go away to college so she could stay back home with Eric.

    donna saying she'll figure college out later and hugs eric

    15. On Degrassi: Next Class, when Miles shrugged Lola off when she needed a ride to the abortion clinic, and then barely had any reaction to finding out she had been pregnant.

    miles later apologizing for not being there after telling her to take a bus

    16. On Supernatural, when Sam just dropped hunting.

    close up of sam

    17. On One Tree Hill, when it was revealed that Brooke and Nathan had made a sex tape together years ago while he and Peyton were briefly broken up.

    the students in shock as the sex tape gets aired

    18. On The Office, when Pam asked the rest of the office if they thought she was attractive.

    a pregnant pam standing in front of the office

    19. And finally, pretty much everything Andrea did during her final season of The Walking Dead.

    close up of andrea

    Reminder that I, Kelly Martinez, do not necessarily endorse all of these opinions!!!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.