16 Boyfriends Who Deserve Absolutely Zero Rights

    Hope they take constructive criticism!

    1. This boyfriend who came into the kitchen and chose violence:

    2. This boyfriend who missed the point:

    3. This boyfriend who never learned the importance of sharing:

    4. This boyfriend who's never closed a tab once in his life:

    5. This boyfriend who apparently never brings his work home with him:

    6. This boyfriend who should never, ever be allowed to eat pie again:

    7. This boyfriend who has a tiny, but infuriating collection of soaps:

    8. This boyfriend who didn't quite meet expectations: 

    9. This boyfriend who should never, ever work at Subway:

    10. This creative boyfriend who has questionable decorating taste:

    11. This boyfriend who only had ONE job:

    12. This boyfriend who thought a rock was an acceptable present:

    13. This boyfriend who tried his best, but missed the mark:

    14. This boyfriend who needs his phone taken away:

    15. This boyfriend who has lost his right to eat pizza:

    16. And finally, this boyfriend with a commitment problem: