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Go Home Everyone, Sir Patrick Stewart Won 2015

It's Patrick Stewart's world. We're just living in it.

1. Sir Patrick Stewart, actual knight and master of social media, ruled 2015 with a firm but gentle hand. Please observe him in a backwards cap, and feel his power.

2. 2015 was the year Sir Patrick Stewart redefined porn.


3. It was the year he looked back fondly on his younger fashion choices.

4. And started to have more fun than he ever has in his 55-year career.


Here's a clip from his chat with Vanity Fair.

5. He also made some important decisions, like what his favorite accent is. (SPOILER: IT'S AMERICAN.)


6. He grew some berries and it was cool and wholesome.

7. Sir Patrick Stewart celebrated the release of his new show, Blunt Talk, in the only acceptable way: with alcohol.

@SirPatStew just made The Major Blunt, cheers! #BluntTalk

8. And showed love for his adoring fans.

9. He asked important questions this year.

Have you actually eaten pizza if you don't eat the crust? Discuss.

10. Very important questions.

How do you answer a seventeen year old female shop assistant in a pharmacy who ask you the following? "I'm sorry, what is an enema"?

11. But perhaps the most important question he asked was if he and BFF Ian McKellen could join Taylor Swift's squad.

So @IanMcKellen recited Bad Blood and I did Blank Space on @NPRAskMeAnother. May we join the squad, @taylorswift13? https://t.co/liKBfSzIaU

12. And, uhh, she pretty much said yes.

Thanks for reciting my lyrics, @IanMcKellen and @SirPatStew! You've made my day. You two are ULTIMATE Squad Goals:

13. And he fangirled like the rest of us.

14. He possibly fangirled even harder than the rest of us, tbh.

15. And speaking of Ian McKellen, they got even closer somehow.

16. They kept hanging out and redefining our friendship goals, but most importantly...

Brunch with old friends @UKinLA photo by Caroline Graham.

17. They kissed. On the mouth. At the premiere of Mr. Holmes. And it was perfect.

18. It was so perfect that Sir Pat Stew put on his best lavender button-down shirt and went to chat with Conan O'Brien about it.

Real men wear lavender. On my way to @ConanOBrien tonight.

19. Oh, sorry, did I say chat? Because I meant KISS ON THE MOUTH.


20. And then he had to wind down because, come on, who wouldn't need to wind down after that?

chilling the f%€k out after my #Conan encounter. #margarita #hottub

21. And let us never forget that 2015 was the year Sir Pat finally revealed to us what his dream hairstyle would be: a mullet.

Congrats, Sir Patrick Stewart. You have won 2015, and all our hearts.