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23 Photos Of Autumn That Will Make You Breathe A Sigh Of Relief

Ahhhhhh, fall.

1. There's nothing more comforting than knowing autumn is just around the corner.

2. Any day now, those green leaves will start to turn.

3. Soon, we'll be surrounded by gorgeous foliage...

4. ...feeling the crunch of those first leaves under foot...

5. ...and breaking out those cozy sweaters.

6. There's nothing like a brisk fall day.

7. Maybe it's overcast, drizzling just a little...

8. ...maybe it's bright and sunny, all those beautiful colors on full display...

9. ...whatever, it's the best, it's fall.

10. You can put on your jackets and your boots and head out into that crisp, fresh air.

11. Maybe you'll go apple picking.

12. Maybe you'll spontaneously jump on a hay ride, get a whiff of that comforting, musty smell.

13. Or maybe you'll head down to the local market, and pick up some of the fresh fall produce.

14. Maybe buy a pumpkin or two — to paint and set on the porch, to carve, to chop up and make into a pie, so many options.

15. Because it's FINALLY pumpkin season! Pumpkin EVERYTHING.

16. A nice cup of coffee with a sweet, pumpkin edge...

17. ...a warm pumpkin spice cookie, right out of the oven...

18. ...and, of course, Pumpkin Spice Lattes.

19. But if that's not your style, fall is the perfect time to curl up with a mug of hot cocoa once you get home.

20. Add a nice, big dollop of whipped cream. It's chilly outside and you deserve it.

21. Pull those soft, warm socks out of the closet. Summer's over, your feet will need them.

22. And unbox those Halloween decorations.