Author Rainbow Rowell Chooses Between Good And Evil In This Epic Game Of Would You Rather

    We asked the best-selling author of Fangirl and Carry On the tough questions about magic, villainy, and love.

    Would you rather be an antagonist or an anti-hero?

    ...have magical powers but lose your sense of sight, or have super strength but lose your sense of taste?

    ...think you’re the Chosen One, and find out later you’re actually set up to be the villain, or think you're a villain, but find out you're the Chosen One?

    "I can't be a villain!!! I don't think you can be set up to be the villain. I think you can only set yourself up to be the villain. You're never the villain because someone else says you are; you have to make that choice."

    ...receive your Hogwarts letter or find out you were the next Slayer? able to perform magic with a wand, or with your hands?

    ...have superpowers for a single day, but have to use them for evil, or have superpowers for a week, but not get any credit for what you did with them? a companion to The Doctor or an accomplice to The Master?

    ...die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain?

    ...use the power of your mind, like Sherlock, or the power of your fists, like Batman?

    ...sacrifice yourself to save the person you love, or sacrifice yourself to save the world?

    Carry On is in stores now.