68 Amazing Things I Learned At A West Texas Cowboy Symposium

    The 24th annual Cowboy Symposium took place last weekend in Lubbock, Texas. Did you know there's a cowboy version of The Night Before Christmas?

    1. People collect antique "chuck wagons."

    2. This guy won 1st place for the most authentic wagon.

    3. The chuck wagons are judged on how authentic all their accessories are.

    4. The John Deere company started out making ploughs and wagons.

    5. Wood barrels are made by the Amish.

    6. Horses are really confusing.

    7. Playing the fiddle is popular.

    8. You can buy a vintage mail truck for pretty cheap.

    9. Cowboy food is really good.

    10. Western art is sold in a trailer.

    11. Western art rules.

    12. There are Penguin Classics about cowboys.

    13. There's a cowboy version of "The Night Before Christmas."

    14. This is what cowboy Santa looks like.

    15. This is Alvin G. Davis, cowboy extraordinaire.

    16. Members of the Comanche tribe make it out to the symposium every year.

    17. The cowboys and Indians are good friends.

    18. There are a lot of Comanche veterans.

    19. You can buy pralines and divinity.

    20. The crown crease style of this is inspired by a character from "Lonesome Dove."

    21. Cowboy hats are EXPENSIVE!

    22. Hats vary in price by what percentage beaver fur they are.

    23. This is a $2,700 cowboy hat.

    24. It's made of 100% mink fur instead of beaver.

    25. You can get funny inscriptions in your hat brim.

    26. Jared Coffelt is the owner of Flint Hat & Boot in Lubbock, Texas.

    27. He inscribed their wedding date in his hat.

    28. There's no such thing as a 10-gallon hat.

    29. This hideous table was up for a raffle prize.

    30. Here's musician Washtub Jerry. He's a hit with the ladies.

    31. You can play the bass with only a stick, a washtub, and a single string.

    32. There are cowboy magicians.

    33. Cowboy poetry is really popular.

    34. You can have a carriage drawn by mini horses.

    35. You can even have a Cinderella-style carriage drawn by mini horses!

    36. Kids riding horses are cute.

    37. You can fence in your babies.

    38. You can dress in reenactment clothing if you want.

    39. Some people got really into it.

    40. There are goth cowboys.

    41. There are really hot cowboys.

    42. The only hipsters there were foreign exchange students from England.

    43. If you're on your phone, old people will come over and bug you.

    44. Only sugar and Sweet'n Low is served in the Lubbock Civic Center.

    45. Father/son matching outfits are cute.

    46. Everyone there was old.

    47. Old people get tired.

    48. You can buy wooden wine glasses.

    49. Wooden travel mugs.

    50. Longhorn horns aren't as expensive as you'd think.

    51. The cuts in the horn are from bulls fighting each other.

    52. There's lots of turquoise jewelry.

    53. There are cowboy scented candles like "old boots."

    54. Cowboys love playing the harmonica.

    55. This old guy really wanted to get in on the harmonica action.

    56. Harmonica duet!

    57. There's such a thing as business-casual cowboy dress.

    58. There's a museum of Ranching Culture. You can't being your firearm inside.

    59. Barbed wire is a "significant American invention."

    60. The museum has an impressive collection of antique cattle branders.

    61. There was something called screwworm that someone advocated eradicating.

    62. The Amateur Radio Club of Lubbock was there to broadcast live from the event.

    63. These brothers love ham radios.

    64. "Come in come in! Over and out!"

    65. Texas frats are kind of awful.

    66. There's a catering company out there that serves fins & hens.

    67. It is not cool to have a piano tuner racejacket.

    68. Everyone remembers that salsa ad where they say "New York City?!"

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    I can't tell you how many people did a reenactment of this commercial when I told them I was from New York. Maybe like 10 people, which is really a lot, when you consider this ad is probably 15 years old.

    All photos by Katie Notopoulos for BuzzFeed.