17 Things That Happen When You Don't Eat Meat And It's Thanksgiving

    Three helpings of mashed potatoes, please.

    1. It's bad enough that all year, when people find out you don't eat meat, they ask what you eat at Thanksgiving.

    2. Someone in your family will act "concerned for your health" and try to get you to eat turkey anyway.

    3. And someone sitting near you will (as a "joke") moan over how good their turkey/gravy/bacon-filled stuffing is.

    4. "Then what ARE you going to eat??" —every one of your extended family members.

    5. Which makes you briefly think about doing this:

    6. You find out that basically everything on the table has been touched by chicken broth.

    7. You're forced to endure dozens of nearly identical Tofurky jokes.

    8. If you're visiting a significant other's family, you spend half the meal apologizing for not being an easier guest.

    9. Someone inevitably gets defensive about eating turkey, even though YOU weren't the one commenting on their plate.

    10. Everyone acts like you'll be starving at the end of the meal, but you're just like:

    11. Because who needs dry turkey when you can fill up on all the delicious sides??

    12. You lurk around the mashed potato bowl like a vulture over a decaying animal.

    13. Because paleo is for meat eaters, anyway.

    14. You give thanks for Brussels sprouts (and other green Thanksgiving staples).

    15. Like the green vegetables smothered in FRIED ONIONS.

    16. But seriously: The highlight of Thanksgiving is usually the dessert anyway.

    17. And of course, the most important part of every meal doesn't have any meat at all.