23 Ways To Feel More 22 Than Ever

    ♪ I don't know about you, but I'm feeling existential dread ♪

    1. Dress up like hipsters!

    2. Make fun of your exes!

    3. Eat breakfast at midnight!

    4. Fancy up your futon!

    5. Adopt a kitten!

    6. Revamp your resume!

    7. Start dating a Republican!

    8. Get a sassy new haircut!

    9. Create a novelty instagram account!

    10. Order a virgin cocktail!

    11. Shoplift!

    12. Dance like nobody's watching!

    13. Experiment with magnets!

    14. Experiment with society!

    15. Make a bucket list!

    16. BODY SHOTS.

    17. Coug it up!

    18. Read Sartre!

    19. Read Seventeen!

    20. Invest in crockpot!

    21. Just ditch the whole scene.

    22. Dream instead of sleep!

    23. Just be yourself!