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    Momagers, Momtourages and Mommy Mobs, Oh My!

    “We really want the kids to feel special at the magazine drive contest next week, and do not want anyone to feel like a ‘loser’ because they are all winners. So, we will all be responsible for bringing in presents and trophies for someone else’s child so everyone is included!” “You did a fabulous job at the Need-Organic-Glue-in-the-Classrooms Fundraiser. Thanks so much!” “In honor of Shalom-Winroads School’s 12.5-year anniversary, we are having a benefit. Have you bought your table yet?” If you're a mom with a kid in preschool through middle school, you may be laughing, because you know these quotes from a post over at On Youth and Teens Today With Vanessa Van Petten aren't all that much of an exaggeration...