15 Animals That Only Come Out At Night And In My Nightmares

    Streaming nature documentaries was all fun and games until I started developing phobias of the animals.

    I thank God every day that these creatures are nocturnal because seeing one in the daylight would leave me in shambles.

    1. The aye-aye looks like a tarantula mated with a monkey and it is nothing if not nightmare fuel.

    An animal with piercing yellow eyes, long spindly fingers, and messy grey and black hair

    2. The Indian flying fox, which grows up to 6 feet tall, is the only thing worse than a blood-sucking bat.

    The Indian flying fox wingspan, which is huge

    3. The tarsier looks like it can see through time and space...what does it know that we don't?!

    A tiny creature, whose eyes take up 25% of its body, gripping a small branch

    4. The binturong smells like buttered popcorn (?!), but is carnivorous and will eat just about anything in sight.

    A red eyed animal with messy whiskers and fur

    5. This Leopard slug mating ritual is unfortunately forever burned into my brain.

    Two slugs hanging upside down from their mucus performing a mating ritual

    6. When the opossum is triggered or stressed it "plays dead." I, too, play dead when I see this beady-eyed beast.

    A pointy faced, beady eyed opossum in the snow

    7. The pangolin will curl into a ball of natural armor to defend from predators, but what can we do when we see a pangolin?

    A scaly creature that camouflages with the dirt

    8. Tarantulas and their hairy little legs can haunt your dreams for decades during their 30-year lifespan.

    A tarantula holding up its front four legs and facing the camera

    9. Moray eels, AKA water snakes with two rows of teeth, are known for their vicious bites.

    A shrimp grazing the skin of an eel tucked in between some rocks

    10. Deathstalker scorpions can and will end your life with just one sting.

    A scorpion that is glowing under ultraviolet lights

    11. Tasmanian devils have a bite strong enough to cut through metal or bone!

    A Tasmanian devil opening its jaw and showing its sharp teeth

    12. Millipedes are an example of something I wouldn't touch in one million years.

    A thick worm looking creature with hundreds of legs

    13. The cuttlefish looks like the last thing I would ever cuddle.

    An octopus looking fish droopy eyes and fins that look like a beard

    14. Real aardvarks look nothing like their cutesy PBS recreation in Arthur.

    A pig looking creature with a more narrow face and no fur

    15. Naked mole-rats are also a lot grosser than Disney would have you believe. Rufus was portrayed as an "adorable" naked mole-rat in Kim Possible.

    A hairless rat with two front teeth sticking out of its face

    Well...off to go bleach my eyeballs!