11 Things All Twentysomethings Should Know About Their Jobs

    Sometimes you'll feel like you have no idea what you're doing.

    1. Try anything and everything that you’re interested in, even if seems like a waste of time.

    2. You’ll have to work with people you don't respect.

    3. You’re going to work with people who are better than you. Like, way better.

    4. You’re going to deal with some serious bullshit at some point.

    5. Sometimes you will feel like you have no idea what you’re doing.

    6. One blip on your résumé isn’t going to tank your entire career.

    7. You can outgrow a job you really love.

    8. It's up to you to keep your passion for work alive. Nobody will do it for you.

    9. You can't avoid failure. It will find you. It will hunt you down like a dog.

    10. Find balance between work and the rest of your life, whatever that means to you.

    11. And finally, the most important lesson of all: There is no correct office temperature.