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21 Photos That'll Ruin Your Whole Goddamned Day


1. This wrecked bunch of bananas:

2. These pencils that are complete traitors to the cause:

3. The infuriating alignment of these pictures:

4. This jerk of a label that covers the watering holes:

5. This grammatical mess of a sign:

6. This gruesome tube of toothpaste:

7. This butchered-up stick of butter:

8. This now completely useless fork:

9. This unsuccessful peel-away lid:

10. This frustratingly indecisive fashionista:

11. The brutal positioning of this stove element:

12. This horribly misaligned wristband:

13. This anti-theft device that is apparently anti-literature:

14. This person who just let their earbuds rest on the dirty floor:

15. This seatbelt that may as well just be set on fire at this point:

16. This one upside-down post that needs to get its shit together:

17. This destroyed doughnut, taken from us far too soon:

18. This upsetting loaf of bread that did not rise to the occasion:

19. This totally selfish vending machine:

20. This complete fiasco of a pizza:

21. And these tragic pizza slice–shaped plates that DON'T FIT TOGETHER TO MAKE AN ENTIRE PIZZA: