19 Totally True Food Facts That'll Make You Say "That Can't Be Right, Can It?"

    Carrots can be purple?!

    1. Lemons float and limes sink.

    2. And a can of Coke will sink, while a can of Diet Coke will float.

    3. Oranges aren't always orange; sometimes they're green.

    4. Scientists have made diamonds out of peanut butter.

    A German TV station asked scientist Dan Frost if he and his team could use extreme pressure to turn carbon-rich peanut butter into a diamond. It worked, although the process also released a lot of hydrogen that then destroyed the experiment (whoops).

    5. Carrots were originally yellow or purple.

    6. Almonds aren't nuts; they're actually tree seeds.

    But only raw, unroasted almonds can turn into trees. Almonds you buy from the store probably can't grow into trees.

    7. All the different colors of Froot Loops have the exact same flavor.

    8. Fruity Pebbles are just puffed-up grains of rice.

    They add the color and flavoring later.

    9. Loofahs are actually made out of gourds.

    10. Green peppers are just unripe red and yellow peppers.

    11. Cashews grow on cashew apples.

    12. And pineapples grow on plants, like this.

    13. Peanuts grow underground and look like this when they're pulled up.

    14. Brussels sprouts grow on stalks.

    15. Artichokes bloom into flowers if left to grow long enough.

    16. Honey stays good forever; you could open up a 3,000-year-old jar of honey and still eat it.

    17. Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are not actually berries.

    18. But bananas, watermelons, avacodos, tomatoes, and pumpkins are berries.

    19. Oh, and you know oysters? Yeah, they're usually still alive when you eat them.