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13 Romantic Gifts That Are Honestly So Much Better Than Roses

These plants are hard to kill, y'all.

Roses are cool and all, but ROSES DIE SO FAST. Get your boo something that lasts a little longer, instead.

1. Buy your bae an exotic air plant. because you know they're one-of-a-kind.

2. The jade plant, or money plant, has rich succulent leaves and is supposed to symbolize friendship and good luck, which hey, everybody needs, right?

3. Help boo take care of their boo-boos with this helpful lil' aloe vera plant!

4. Bold snake plants can be straight up neglected for weeks — something you SHOULD NOT do to your bae.

5. A Bromeliad plant has a crazy beautiful exotic bloom.

6. Philodendrons even have HEART-SHAPED LEAVES, y'all. How rommmmmantic.

7. Spider plants grow and grow and grow — just like your love. (Everybody say "awwwww".)

8. This sweet Golden Pothos plant is actually really easy to keep going.

9. Believe it or not, orchids are actually pretty hard to kill.

10. A cute box of succulents says "our love is really hip, but also will last a very long time."

11. This adorable lucky bamboo plant is in the shape of a friggin' heart.

12. This pretty peace lily will actually help keep the air in your boo's house clean.

13. This Calathea plant does super well in indoor spaces.

Now go forth and make love bloom.

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