15 Feelings That Are Way Too Relatable For Anybody Who Grew Up Emo

    *wears three different shades of black* *dies a little inside*

    1. Too real.

    2. Finding your favorite black item in your pile of black items.

    3. Your parents don't even get you.

    4. Your hair conspires against you.

    5. You have a lot of ~feelings~.

    6. A LOT of feelings.

    7. You have different aesthetic ideals.

    8. And sometimes they can be problematic.

    9. *Ahem.*

    10. But at least SOME things in your life are easy.

    11. Likewise, dating has its challenges.

    12. People think they get you, but they don't get you.

    13. Fitting in can be hard — if that's what you're into.

    14. But then other times it feels like everybody is co-opting your style.

    15. Either way, it feels good to have friends you can make this joke to: