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19 Teens Who Did The Most In 2016

LOL teens.

1. June Kyra Dela Chica, who made the most amazing tribute to Mulan in her high school ID.

2. After being asked by a boy to send a pic of herself in the shower, 16-year-old Reese Herbert sent along this glorious umbrella shower pic.

3. Kris Costello, who took ~the most extra~ senior photos ever.

4. The tall teen who had special biz cards made so that he could stop hearing the saaaaame questions over and over again.

5. This Dublin, Ohio, teen who couldn't "trust any girls" so he decided to ask himself to homecoming. SPOILER ALERT: He said yes!

6. These Ole Miss freshmen who went the extra mile with their dorm room decorations.*

7. Teenage makeup artist Asia Brautigam, who tried to make "dick-liner" a thing.

8. Seventeen-year-old Kelvin Peña, who turned a wild deer into his best friend. The deer is named Money and the pair "play basketball together. We be lit out here. We love the woods."

9. Poor 15-year-old Darby Risner, who got her head stuck in a Barney (the dinosaur) head and COULDN'T GET IT OFF FOR 45 MINUTES.

10. High school senior Skyler Davis, who learned the hard way that crying and spray tans just don't mix. This is Skyler 10 minutes after leaving a spray-tanning salon (she got in a fight with her boyfriend). Eep.

11. Morgan Hanbery, whose makeup tutorials are REAL AF.

so here is my bullshit makeup tutorial that I couldn't stay serious in, if you actually watch this then I fw you💀💀💀

12. Seventeen-year-old Lizette Galvan, who convinced her poor boyfriend she shaved off her eyebrows, just so she could "try out new eyebrow shapes."

Psst, she didn't, it was all some trickery.

13. Gisela Villa, a 17-year-old girl who gave her father the most beautiful makeover ever.

14. High school senior Sarah, who won homecoming while dressed in a dinosaur costume. YESSSSSS.

15. Eighteen-year-old Sarah Kulevich, who makes tiny pancakes for her chickens. Tiny. Pancakes. Can you even believe?

16. Then there's 19-year-old Daniel, who uses a rather unorthodox method to save money. He keeps a picture of Terry Crews in his wallet, which REMINDS HIM TO STOP SPENDING MONEY ON FRIVOLOUS THINGS.

17. These amazing teens, who expressed their love for fallen angel gorilla Harambe in their high school yearbook photo.

18. This girl, who made the most beautifully extra prom entrance of all time. OF ALL TIME. You are seriously goals.

Facebook: video.php

19. And poor Shayla Wiggins, who found a dead body while playing Pokémon Go. OOF.

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