• Oz Bushfires badge

19 Tweets That Capture How It Felt To Wake Up In Sydney's Smoke Haze Today

People with asthma, lung and heart disease have been urged to stay inside.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that Australia is currently in the midst of one of the worst bushfire seasons the country has ever seen.

#australiafire #AUSTRALIANBUSHFIRES 😥 My heart goes out to everyone that has been affected by the Bush fires. Also thankyou to the amazing SES for all the amazing work they do, and the countless hours they have spent fighting these fires.❤❤ Please pray for Australia ❤

And today, Sydney residents woke up to a thick layer of smoke blanketing the city.


These are two photos from the same vantage point. One normal, one from this morning. Of course, the stadium in the normal one has been demolished. But the Sydney skyline hasn’t. #ClimateEmergency #bushfiresNSW #smoke #sydneysmoke


The smoke haze in Sydney is unbelievable this morning. We really do seem to be fiddling while Australia burns. Are there any leaders in either of our major parties prepared to speak out? Or will they be labelled ‘extremists’ or ‘tribalists’ for even noticing? It’s not even summer


Sydney in #smoke from the otherside of the Harbour, Thursday. Can barely see the Bridge, the city is completely hidden #nswfires


the smoke in sydney is so bad, but i can’t imagine what it’d be like for all those living in the areas where the fires are actually burning


Another morning in the greenie tree hugging ultra woke ultra smoke of the Sydney CBD


Even our office smells like smoke. There are no windows in here. How does this happen! #Sydney


Where's North Sydney? The smoke haze blanketing Sydney is relentless. #sydneysmoke #smokehaze #sydney



Beautiful day to walk to work in Sydney #NSWFires #smoke


Sydney completely blanketed in smoke. Melbourne and Adelaide looking like they’ll break 125 year temperature records. The planet is already hotter. How much hotter is it going to get?


Honestly, if someone could just make an announcement saying we can all stay home from work because of the smoke hanging over Sydney, that would be great. Seriously, I am coughing, wheezing, wiping my watering eyes, and feeling nauseated. I give up.


68km from the nearest bush fire and the smoke is chocking here in the inner west 😢 I can’t imagine what it’s like being in the heart of it! Thank you to all volunteering your time & effort to help control these fires @NSWRFS #NSWbushfires #sydney #NSWfires #NSWBushfire


The smoke is so thick in Sydney that is honestly looks like the end of the world 😭😭😭


Sadly the Bush fire smoke has returned and engulfed Sydney. The poor families, animals and land ruined. #NSWbushfires #NSWfires These are days apart...


That's not just haze in Sydney - that's also smoke. It's always a lovely city but today isn't a great day if you enjoy breathing.


Morning Twitter. Smoke heavy on the water today, throats sore after the swim. And with every stroke thinking of those fighting #bushfires, of burnt koalas, flaming homes, devastated communities. Stay safe & stay inside if possible - air quality is officially hazardous in Sydney.


"Smoking is not permitted on the platform or on trains. Fines apply." Hear that Sydney? #SydneySmoke


Just a reminder that the fires are still so bad in NSW, this is what Sydney Harbour looks like right now. There is smoke everywhere and it just smells like fire. It is spring. None of this is okay.


the smoke is way worse today in sydney.... however i’m lucky that i only experience the smoke. people are losing loved ones and their homes due to these fires. @ScottMorrisonMP your country is fire. it’s time to take action.

If you have any respiratory issues, please stay inside and stay safe.