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    17 Moments Anyone Who's Been Ruthlessly Attacked By Body Attack Will Understand

    Can't wait to get half naked and sweaty with 100 strangers in a cramped, windowless room.

    1. Racing into the studio so that you can get your preferred spot and feeling perversely out of place if you're forced to stand somewhere new.

    2. And strategically placing yourself in the best position for optimal fan exposure.

    3. Feeling equal parts anxious and horni for approval whenever the instructor comes off the stage to inspect your form.

    4. And holding back an energy reserve so that you can unleash Dragon Ball Z-style and impress said instructor with your commitment to the moves.

    5. Being utterly soaked in sweat by the end of track four.

    6. Feeling like Beyoncé when you finally nail the transition from shuffle to superman.

    7. But then feeling like a complete failure when you're struck down by a stitch or cramp.

    8. Nervously laughing whenever the instructors make any kind of joke, so they don't get angry and make you work harder in the next track.

    9. Counting down 'til the push-up track, so you can lie in a sweaty heap on the gym mat and rest your weary buns of steel.

    10. But forcing yourself to do pushups on your toes whenever the instructor glances your way.

    11. Being ~triggered~ when you hear a track start to play that almost killed you in the last class.

    12. And having no idea how to actually perform said tuck jump without bending your spine into unnatural contortions.

    13. Basking in the sweaty camaraderie that is your Body Attack family all moving in beautiful synchronicity.

    14. Thinking it's fine to squeeze in a class on your lunch break, because you'll just take a cold shower after and everyone will be none the wiser, right?

    15. But then having your colleagues repeatedly ask if you're unwell when your face is still red 90 minutes after returning.

    16. Waking up the next morning and aching in places you never knew existed.

    17. And finally, counting down the days 'til you get to do it all over again.