17 Tips If Working From Home Has Been Kinda Killing Your Back

    If you back has been low-key (or high-key) bothering you, you're not the only one.

    Working or distance learning from home indefinitely can mean back pain and body aches — since you're at a computer almost all day.

    "My back hurts all the time for no reason." How I sit every day:

    Twitter: @Knishkabob

    That's why we looked to the internet — including the BuzzFeed Community — for tips on how to improve posture during these stay-at-home times. Here's what we learned:

    1. Get a memory foam seat cushion to add support to your go-to chair.

    A black memory foam seat cushion on a chair

    2. Take a few "action shots" during the day to figure out what might be making you slouch.

    3. Add a reminder in your phone to do quick, low-effort exercises — even ones that don't require you to leave your desk.

    4. Use a stability ball as an office chair.

    Man sitting on gray fabric yoga ball chair and working on a laptop

    5. Pencil in time for a few yoga stretches every day — or sign up for classes as often as you can.

    View this video on YouTube


    "Definitely schedule some yoga in everyday to help relieve the stress." —yeah_yeah_waaaa

    Watch more: Yoga Poses For Back And Neck Pain Relief

    6. Find at least one fuller-body stretch to help realign your posture.

    7. If you pretty much know you'll be WFH indefinitely, an ergonomic chair is probably worth the money.

    An ergonomic chair in a home office

    8. If you can't financially swing a standing desk, make one yourself by stacking books or similar items — or place an adjustable laptop stand onto an existing table.

    Adjustable laptop stand on a kitchen table

    9. Think about how the other areas of your body might be affecting your back.

    A person's legs standing on a stability board

    10. Look into a spine massager, which may help you feel the impact of your stretches more.

    A spine massager

    11. Or try a foam roller with ~curves~ to deepen the massage.

    A woman using a foam roller with grooves

    12. Switch up where — and how — you sit all day.

    13. If you're planning to WFH most of the time even after the pandemic is over (and have the room and money now), splurge on a treadmill desk.

    A woman walking on a treadmill desk

    14. Walk outside at least once a day — especially if you primarily use a standing desk.

    15. Use a mouse!

    A wireless mouse next to a laptop

    16. If your neck, shoulders, or back are really bothering you, see a licensed chiropractor.

    View this video on YouTube

    The Try Guys / Via youtube.com

    Or a physical therapist, of course.

    17. And finally, whatever position you're in, take breaks often. Apps like Stand Up! can help remind you and give you some guidance.

    Screenshot of the StandUp! app

    What's helped you most when it comes to posture and working from a computer all day? Share in the comments!

    *Note: Some answers have been lightly edited for length or clarity.