12 Makeup Tips From A Drag Expert You Should Know About

    Tips from Ikaro Kadoshi for anyone who is looking to get a little more experimental with their makeup.

    Ikaro Kadoshi is well known in Brazil as a popular opening act before Ru Paul's drag shows, and has been making a living as a drag performer for over 16 years.

    Here are some of Ikaro's tips for getting more involved in drag, or just more experimental with your makeup:

    1. Products are constantly evolving and techniques are changing all the time.

    2. Preparing your skin is VERY important.

    3. Every drag queen has a different preference for how they contour their face.

    4. Red lipstick is great for neutralizing beard shadow.

    5. Don't use a paint stick directly on your face.

    6. A brown pencil is every drag queen's best friend.

    7. After blocking your eyebrows, use them as a starting place for the concave slope leading down to your eyes.

    8. Use black or brown eyeshadow to map out the new concave slope of your eyes

    9. Use your original eyebrows as a guide for your drag eyebrows.

    10. Ombré and glitter eyebrows are the latest trends in drag makeup.

    11. Don't forget the finishing touch: loose powder.

    This post was translated from Portuguese.