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If You've Ever Rented, This Is The Place To Vent About The Worst Thing Your Landlord Ever Did

If, in the process of reading this, that One Wild Landlord Story you have immediately jumps to mind...you know you have to send it in. You just know.

If you haven't had a bad landlord, you're lucky. When I ask around, it seems as if everybody has at least one story about their landlord being weird, ridiculous, or just so frustrating.

Honestly, hearing people's bad landlord stories is actively therapeutic. Can we be honest about that? So no matter the degree to which your landlord has been out of line — from painting over windowsills to outright stealing from you (you'd be surprised) — I want to hear your absolute worst.

There are more than a few stories I've heard about landlords entering people's apartments while they are SLEEPING. See also: setting up secret cameras disguised as smoke detectors to spy on you in your own home.

Did they start charging people to use the elevator? Did they shut off your heat in the middle of winter because you dared to set it too high at a positively tropical 74º? Did they fake damage to the unit so they wouldn't have to pay back your security deposit?

Or perhaps you went on a trip to a new city, only to find that the Airbnb you got for the weekend was actually somebody else's apartment, and their landlord was renting it out while they were on vacation. This actually happened to someone I know.

A person removing mail from a mailbox

Maybe you found out they used your deposit for something they legally have to pay for, like repairing a broken pipe. Has a landlord stolen your mail? Your PlayStation? Your underwear? Please, let us know!

A woman giving a thumbs-up

Whatever your nightmare landlords have done, I want to hear ALL the grimy details down in the comments. Or, if you have a story to tell but prefer to stay anonymous, you can check out this anonymous Google form. Your response may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.