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Polls, Damn Polls, And Statistics

What, exactly, do all these presidential election forecasts do? And with just two weeks left, why are we still clicking them so compulsively?

Which White People Support Trump?

Pundits often talk about the “white vote,” but it’s more complicated than that. Voters who say they have German or Italian heritage lean most heavily to Trump and the GOP, a poll run for BuzzFeed News reveals.

Congress Polling Just Above Car Salespeople In "Honesty"

Only one out of ten Americans polled by Gallup rate the honesty and ethical standards of Congressional members as "very high" or "high," ranking lawmakers just below advertising professionals and above only car salespeople on a list of twenty-two professions.

The Secret Economy Of Pollsters

With less two weeks left until the election, pollsters are churning out 20 state and national polls a day — all for attention. "Politics is not a major source of income, but it is a major source of branding," says Zogby.

Conservative Polling Alternative Plans Expansion

Dean Chambers, the man behind, looks to "unskew" the media and politics. His numbers have given Republicans "a boost of confidence."

Conservatives Embrace Alternate Polling Reality

Dean Chambers, founder of, has reweighted national polling data based on Rasmussen partisan trends. His results give Romney a wide lead.

Should You Trust Newt Gingrich's Favorite Pollster?

Matt Towery is an old Gingrich friend with a colorful past whose poll numbers often favor his fellow Georgian. “Any suggestion that I poll favorably towards him would be untrue," he tells BuzzFeed


Charlie Sheen Beating Sarah Palin In Presidential Polling

No, seriously. Public Policy Polling, apparently bored with their jobs, found that Sheen was beating Palin amongst all-important independent voters in a hypothetical presidential match-up. Duh. Full results here.

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