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15 Tweets About The Ridiculousness Of Video Conference Calls

"BREAKING NEWS: Everyone in the video conference wants to see your dog or cat. Literally everyone, please do not apologize."


I just walked bollock-naked into my wife’s work video call


I don’t know who made this but they deserve an award



when u forget about a mandatory work call and are currently cosplaying joe exotic


Another day in lockdown. My mum trying to avoid some screen time on my dads work call😂😂


My 1st grader has a Zoom call with her class this morning and when I suggested she change out of her pajamas, she said “I only need to change my shirt because they won’t see the rest of me.” She already knows.


my boss turned herself into a potato on our Microsoft teams meeting and can’t figure out how to turn the setting off, so she was just stuck like this the entire meeting


This is how we communicate now we both have to be on work calls in the same room


every zoom discussion during online school


Zoom is like real life, in that I've already gone from Zoom FOMO to wildly overscheduling Zooms to canceling Zooms so I can have some time to myself for a change


Accurate photo of everyone’s zoom meetings



If you ever wondered what a Zoom party of the world's most powerful political leaders looked like, this is it:


BREAKING NEWS: Everyone in the video conference wants to see your dog or cat. Literally everyone, please do not apologize.


bruh I knew zoom was a bad idea . why my mama came in here yelling “WHO IS THAT?!” and I’m yelling back “IM IN CLASS” and the whole class laughing .