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    I Came Across These 27 Random Products That Are *So Cool* I Just Have To Share Them With You

    Come onnnn, a magnet shaped like Danny DeVito as a Cheeto and a vertical waffle iron so batter doesn't ooze out the sides — coolest things I've seen this week aside from all of Zendayas Dune premiere looks.

    1. A pet DNA test because you love your rescue buddy but when people ask you what they are you have no idea what the answer is. If you tell people "uhh, I think my dog's a Pomeranian but I'm not really sure" and you've been dying to know what the heck he actually is, you won't regret grabbing this. The test will also screen your pet for potential health risks so you can take preventitive measures *early* to make sure your dog or cat stays as healthy as possible.

    summarization of reviewers genetic report detailing breed composition
    reviewers kitten lying on its back

    The test for dogs will screen your pup for 280+ health risks and potential generic healed conditions, 300+ breeds, and 30+ genetic traits. The one for cats will screen them for 21+ breeds, 25+ genetic traits, and 64+ health markers.

    Promising review: "We've loved using this on our cats (we've done the dog one too). All of our pets are rescues and I was curious about their breed. However, we got much more than that! We learned about some important health issues we need to have on our radar and even got results that answered a question about one of our cats that our vet couldn't even figure out. People complain about the wait, but DNA sequencing takes time...all the tests (even for humans) require wait time. My results were always available within the predicted window. Highly recommend this for folks who are curious about their pet's background and want to be proactive with their health." —MS Mama

    Get it from Amazon for $98.99+ (available in versions for cats and dogs, a cat two-pack, and as a cat genome sequencing test).

    2. An insulated yogurt container from BuzzFeed's Goodful collection that's leakproof, comes with a reusable plastic spoon, and is both microwave- and dishwasher-safe. If you fully agree with Donkey that parfaits may be the most delicious thing on the damn planet, you'll fully appreciate just how amazing the little lid compartment is for storing your granola. Parfaits are delicious *in my Donkey voice* — darn right, my friend. 

    reviewer holding a mint green yogurt container and spoon
    Reusable snack container with lid open with granola in it

    Promising reviews: "I love this little thing! Today I packed fruit and yogurt in the main container and granola in the top. I love that it is microwave-safe, too, since it’s soup season and I love to pack oyster crackers with my soups. Perfect size. It’s cute and functional!" —Steph

    "Silly I know, but this snack container makes me happy. I like to have yogurt parfaits for lunch so I put yogurt and fruit on the bottom and granola in the top section. It’s sturdy, easy to use, and I like that the double wall construction helps keep the items in the bottom cold. It’s also a plus having the handy little spoon attached." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $8.44.

    3. A jar of chili onion crisp that you can basically throw on everything. Veggies, noodles, meat, even ice cream — you won't be able to eat without this savory, spicy, umami flavored, crunchy goodness drizzled on top. Don't be surprised when this stuff has you in an absolute freakin' chokehold. I won't judge you if you keep a jar in your purse. 

    model eating noodles with the jar of chili crisp on the table
    A soup dumpling topped with the chili crisp on a spoon
    Fly By Jing

    Fly By Jing is an Asian woman-owned small biz that specializes in sauces, dumplings, and spices.

    Check out a TikTok of the chili crisp in action. 

    Here's what former BuzzFeeder Britt Ross says about this chili crisp: "Ever since my sister introduced me to this life-changing condiment, I've slathered it on pretty much everything I could think of — from roasted vegetables and noodles to seafood and popcorn. It's got a kick, yes, and while I'm a big fan of spicy food, the thing I love most about this chili crisp is that it also has great flavor that doesn't get overpowered by the heat, which happens with so many other spicy sauces. That deep savory flavor comes from ingredients like fermented black bean, shallots, mushroom powder, ginger, and seaweed, so it's no wonder it's become my go-to pantry staple when I want to zhuzh up my dinner. PS: Some people even swear by it as an ice cream topping!" 

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in two sizes, a two-pack, and an extra spicy version) or Fly By Jing for $14.

    4. A colorful, mountable DIY rock climbing wall set so that any wall in your house can become a fun activity for your kiddo or yourself. The rock climbing grips can hold up to 225 pounds each and can also be used outdoors if you prefer.  But careful — your home will now be the cool house for all the kids to go to.

    reviewers children climbing DIY rock wall
    Reviewer's photo of the rock climbing wall

    The set includes 25 hand and foot grips, two climbing handles, and an eight foot knotted climbing rope.

    Promising review: "My girls absolutely love this! We’ve been wanting to give them some things inside the house to climb and jump on since it’s cold here and we’re stuck in the house most days. We haven’t installed the rope yet but plan to do so soon. The climbing holds are very durable and seem pretty sturdy. They are also a good size, making it easy for my girls to hold on to. I would definitely recommend this to as it’s a lot of fun!" —KKL—L&L’s Little Shop of Goodies- Living Life RV Rentals

    Get a set from Amazon for $39.99.

    5. A decorative rainbow window film because you walk around naked 80% of the time and always worry that you're giving your neighbors a free show. These will make sure that no one can see what you're doing in your home while also reflecting some seriously beautiful rainbows that'll also make your space a total vibe.

    A bedroom window covered in crystal-ish rainbow decorative film
    A reviewer showing rainbows refracting on their wall from the film

    Psst — for more deetz you can check out BuzzFeed's write-up of this decorative window film.

    Promising review: "This product was very easy to install by myself! It is so nice to use because I live in an apartment that faces the parking lot. You can barely see inside my window, and it looks so pretty! It doesn’t block any light and when the sun shines through it, it’s so gorgeous! Definitely worth the money and it’s reusable!" —Miya

    Get it from Amazon for $7.19+ (available in 11 sizes)

    6. A pasta maker attachment for your KitchenAid stand mixer so you can make all the ravioli, spaghetti, and linguine your lil' pasta lovin' heart desires. If you've got a passion for fettuccine, this will bring you eternal happiness. 

    reviewers pasta maker attachment on a stand mixer with fresh spaghetti noodles being made
    reviewers fresh, uncooked pasta
    reviewers plate of ravioli and tomato sauce

    You'll get a pasta roller, spaghetti cutter, and a fettuccine cutter with eight thickness options. Aside from classic noodles, you can even make dumplings and wontons! It's a 3-in-1 attachment so you don't have to worry about constantly switching it out.

    Promising reviews: "OMG, this is fantastic! Why didn't I buy this before now? It rolled the dough out perfectly,  I made lasagna noodles, fettuccine noodles, and spaghetti noodles. Perfect! Easy to use, easy to clean, and makes my life easier! Price was a lot cheaper than the KitchenAid brand and it fit and worked very well on my KitchenAid mixer! BUY THIS! You won’t be sorry!!!!" —Tres B.

    "I really like to cook but had never made fresh pasta. I read some good reviews for this product and it works with my KitchenAid mixer so I decided to try it. I'm totally hooked on fresh pasta now and will never buy or use box pasta. SO much better, and this product makes it SO easy! And, dare I say it, even FUN? This will get a lot of use at my house. I will mention that the first one I got worked, but the cover over the rollers was slightly bent so I had concerns about it being secure. I reached out to the seller, who responded within just a few hours and immediately sent me a whole new replacement unit. Excellent product and really great customer service make this a big win. One of the best things that I've purchased in a while." —Doni

    Get it from Amazon for $89.99+ (available in three sizes).

    7. Danny DeVito Cheeto magnet or a Danny DeCheeto, if you will. It'll speak to your love of odd things ANNNND it'll get a ton of laughs and weird looks but either way, it'll look great on your fridge. Admit it, it's strange and perfect. 

    a magnet on a fridge that looks like Danny DeVito as a Cheeto
    PatsPrints3D / Etsy

    Pats Prints 3D is a veteran-owned, Severn, Maryland-based small biz that specializes in 3D prints and laser engraving.

    Promising reviews: "Danny DeVito in any form is excellent, as a fridge notch." –Andrea Mazzella

    "It looks exactly like the picture. Definitely bigger than a standard Cheeto puff but that allows for the detail in Danny’s face. Hilarious." —Mary Ehlers

    Get it from Pats Prints 3D on Etsy for $10.

    8. collapsible shopping cart because there's, like, nothing worse than having to take 30 trips to your car to grab all your groceries, ESPECIALLY if you live alone. It can hold up to 120 pounds, the shopping crate is removable, and the whole thing folds down flat to fit into your trunk. This thing is the definition of multifunctional. 

    reviewers black shopping cart with green detail
    reviewers shopping cart folded flat

    Promising reviews: "I've lived in a high rise for over 10 years and I am so mad at myself for living this long without having one of these! It is so lightweight, holds a TON, folds down easy, and I can maneuver it with one hand. I used it yesterday and unloaded a trunk load of groceries AND packages from the mail room AND I had my dog with me, holding his leash, and maneuvered this around with one hand with no problem. It folds down easy and small and fits perfectly in my trunk. I use it when I need it and it just stows away when I don't. I'm a believer, this is worth its weight in gold." —Michelle A

    "I know, I know, it’s expensive. But I’ve been using mine for about two years and I’m still obsessed. Grocery shopping, picking up large packages, even as a trolley for moving heavy furniture — I literally use it several times per week and when I’m not using it, it folds up and fits inside my hall closet. People have literally stopped me on the street to ask about it on my way home from the grocery store. It’s amazing." —Lux

    Get it from Amazon for $269 (available in five colors).

    9. A Ninja Creami that's probably taken over your FYP on TikTok and ever since, you've kinda been dying to try making a milkshake or some gelato. Darn you TikTok for seducing us with yummies again. Take whatever ingredients you like, whip up a treat, and then add your toppings in. Delish. 

    A reviewer's black Ninja with a yellow ice cream in the mixer
    A reviewer's smooth yellow ice cream

    Check out a TikTok of the Ninja Creami in action. 

    All you have to do put your fave foods into the containers and freeze them. After 24 hours in the freezer, hook up your machine, select the appropriate preset, and you'll have a yummy treat. Oh! And the containers, lids, and paddle are top-rack dishwasher safe.

    Check out what BuzzFeed Shopping Writer Jessica Hall thinks of it: "As a wannabe fitness girly, I have started paying a bit more attention to the foods I eat, specifically in terms of how much protein I eat. I find it to be somewhat difficult to consume my full day's worth of protein, and I am not a huge fan of protein bars or protein shakes. I decided to give this thing a try after seeing it literally all over TikTok and how people were making lower calorie protein ice cream in it. The TikTok influencers are *not* lying, you should absolutely get this thing. It comes with little pints, you mix up all your ingredients, pop it in the freezer for 24 hours and then put it in the machine. It legit makes a delicious treat with such a  ~creamy~ texture. I have found my best recipe so far is a vanilla protein shake, a little bit of sugar free pudding mix (the fats in it help the texture…at least that's what the Internet told me, so obvi I believe it), and a dash of vanilla extract. Once that's all mixed, I'll throw in some Oreos or M&Ms to have myself a high-protein version of a McFlurry. You can also make delicious smoothie bowls, sorbets, milkshakes, and more. I definitely imagine I'll be using it even more often in the summer when it's hot and I want something cold and refreshing."

    Promising review: "Everyone needs a Ninja Creami. We love ours! I have made cherry, banana, raspberry, and blueberry sorbets plus churro and chocolate ice cream. The recipe book is full of easy-to-make recipes. Easy to clean and simple to use. Just push a button and then a minute later you have ice cream!" —julie krueger 

    Get it from Amazon for $199.99.

    10. An indoor herb garden starter kit because last Sunday you had to go to three different stores to find some freakin' basil. 🙄 Picture this, fresh cilantro that you grew yourself in your guacamole. 😋😋 Chipotle will have NOTHING on you. 

    reviewers wooden box with plants labeled on wooden stakes
    reviewers herbs in burlap pots by a window, labeled cilantro, thyme, parsley, and basil, on a foil-lined tray

    The kit includes detailed instructions, four packets of seeds for indoor plants (cilantro, large leaf Italian parsley, English thyme, and Genovese basil), gardening shears, four burlap grow bags, four potting soil disks, four bamboo plant markers, and a wooden box that doubles as a planter.

    Promising reviews: "Worked perfectly. I moved them to a window with direct sun light and the results were amazing. I followed the directions and only watered when the soil was dry. The key is keeping the soil moist — not wet because you don’t want to create mold. Good luck, happy planting!!!" —Akhira Heru To

    "My goodness, for real, they are growing. I planted these on Friday morning, it’s Monday morning and the basil is sprouting. All you have to do is follow the directions; super easy, super fast set up and *poof* you got herbs." —Laura Radford

    Get it from Amazon for $26.99 (available in two styles).

    11. A magnetic water bottle sleeve pouch since every time you go to the gym, your water bottle and keys refuse to conveniently fit in the little cup holder. It has a strong magnet that'll attach to metal surfaces in the gym and spaces to stash your keys, phone, cards, money, whatever's with you that you don't wanna keep in your hands. 

    large water bottle with a wrap around black pocket that is attaching it magnetically to a piece of gym equipment
    smaller water bottle also attached to gym equipment

    Gym Mate is a small biz that specializes in magnetic gym accessories for water bottles and technology. 

    Check out a TikTok of the water bottle magnet attachment in action. 

    Promising review: "Hands down one of the best purchases I’ve made on Amazon. I can fit my iPhone 13 Pro with the case in the pocket and have plenty of room for my AirPods. Magnets are super strong and hold everything perfectly!" —Nalani

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99

    12. A 44-piece Mjölnir tool box because you've always wanted to know if you were worthy of lifting Thor's hammer and this is the closest you can get. I mean, a regular tool box is cool but this bad boy is sickkkk. Plus, you can tell everyone hands off because only you, Thor, and Steve Rogers can pick this baby up. 

    reviewers open toolbox filled with tools
    reviewers tool box shaped like Thors hammer

    Promising reviews: "We bought this for my husband for Father's Day and it was a huge hit. We are a Marvel loving household so it fit right in. My husband is a contractor so he has all the tools but it is perfect to have in the house when I ask him to hang a shelf, a picture, or whatever. It has lots of handy tools inside, my husband was impressed with the quality of each tool and the variety. Plus he feels cool holding Thor's hammer, haha." —Monica Aldrich

    "My husband is extremely difficult to buy for. I end up trying to buy him functional funny stuff. This was actually well made and he thought it was pretty clever. He drags it out when someone needs help. Gets a good giggle." —Tatorie79

    Get it from Amazon for $99.99+ (available in two colors).

    13. An Instant Pot Vortex Plus air fryer for making you some crispy food without all the oil! This thing reaches up to 400 degrees and can air fry, broil, bake, roast, reheat, dehydrate, and ROTISSERIE. Yep, you can cook a whole rotisserie chicken in this thing. Since cooking every single day for every single meal honestly sucks, grab this. You'll use it several times a week to cook basically everything. 

    gif of the air fryer making fries
    reviewer's rotisserie chicken cooking in air fryer
    reviewers fried donuts made using air fryer

    Check out our full review of the Instant Pot air fryer for more deetz!

    Plus! If you download the free Instant Pot app, you can check out over 100 recipes that you can make in this baby.

    Promising review: "I waited for way too long to dive into the air fryer game and I’m so glad I finally did. This device produces perfectly cooked foods with great flavor and texture. It cooks quickly and efficiently and is extremely simple to use and clean. So far, I've made chicken, french fries, burgers, roasted potatoes, and roasted mixed vegetables. All were great! Highly recommend!" —Chad Evans

    Get it from Amazon for $132.41.

    14. A set of paint touch-up pens because you don't wanna have to repaint but dang it, those lil' scratches and scuff marks on your wall are bothering you more and more day by day. If your trash can has rubbed up against your wall a little too much, this stuff will make sure you still get your deposit back. Your landlord will never know, it'll be our little secret. 😉

    Hand with pen in paint bucket, filling it, syringe-like
    Hand using brush tip of pen to cover up a small scratch on a wall
    Amazon, Slobproof

    Slobproof is a small business that specializes in home improvement products. 

    Reviewers also use these for detail work on painted designs and murals! They're also airtight, so the paint in them won't dry out if you don't finish up the paint in the pen all at once. 

    Promising review: "These are genius! They work so well and make it no hassle to quickly retouch small areas that get scratched up. Never knew something like this existed, and now am in love with them!" —Jeff

    Get a pack of two on Amazon for $16.99 (also available in a five-pack).

    15. A genius bamboo wine coaster that doubles as a mini charcuterie board so you can put your fave cheeses and crackers on it and feel all ~fancy~. Think of how impressed guests would be if they walked in and had a wine glass with their own mini cheese board on top as they entered your home. These things give the most exquisitely sophisticated vibes imaginable. 

    Picnic setting with a glass of wine, with a wooden cheese board on top
    Bamboo MN / Etsy

    Check out the measurements to make sure that it'll fit your wineglasses. 

    Bamboo MN is a family-run Minneapolis, Minnesota-based small biz that specializes in bamboo kitchen supplies, home goods, and crafts.

    Promising review: "Very cute idea for outdoor wine gatherings with appetizers. The plate can protect your wine from bugs and hold small appetizers." —DreamDST

    Get a set of four from Bamboo MN on Etsy for $21.95+ (available in four shapes and in more multipacks).

    16. A set of Shrek-themed earrings because what could be better than earrings that *totally* say "we can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles!" These are simply iconic. 

    five pairs of Shrek-themed earrings featuring character charms s
    Box Lunch

    Get five pairs from BoxLunch for $14.90.

    17. An extremely popular rechargeable clip-on LED light that is probably all over your FYP. I mean seriously, after I see a video of one of these lights, I scroll down and see another three TikTok vids raving about it. If lugging around a big ol' ring light doesn't sound like a good time, this is perfect for you. It's currently in my cart anddd I'm purchasing in 3...2...1...

    reviewer pics with no flash, with iPhone flash, and with clip on light — clip on light has best lighting
    reviewer selfie using phone light

    And check out the hype on TikTok!

    Promising review: "TikTok easily influenced me to buy this. I think this is my first review so that should say something, lol. I don’t post content much, but with this thing I will. It’s easier to use than my ring light. It’s big enough for impact but not heavy or bulky yet thin enough to slip into a mini purse. Definitely will step up my night time/night out selfies. I can also attach this to my tripod. Definitely get it!!!!" —Golden.ivy

    Get it from Amazon for $31.99.

    18. A framed portrait of your pet because you are totally and completely OBSESSED with your pup and Fluffy deserves a photo of himself in your home. If your pet is like, the sun to you and the world revolves around them, this is exactly what you need. 

    portrait of reviewers dog
    portrait of reviewers cat

    Just hit "customize now" and you'll pick your frame material options (eight different materials), number of pets, upload images of your pet(s), add in your pet(s) name(s), choose a font (four options), choose a background color (eight options), and choose between five dimensions. You'll also provide your email address for potential questions about your order. Oh, and BTW you can ~totally~ get it without the frame if you like!

    Promising reviews: "I bought this portrait as a gift for my husband who recently said goodbye to his childhood cat. When I opened it today to set it up for him, I was moved to tears by how beautiful it was. It is the most gorgeous portrait of our beautiful, dearly missed angel. I can't thank this company enough for the amazing gift they gave us. Thank you." —Hannah Dobbin

    "I was nervous to order this because I didn’t think it would turn out well but it turned out AMAZING! Everyone who’s seen it LOVES it and it is now the star piece of decor in our house! If you’re on the fence, just get it!" —Kelly

    Get it from Amazon for $28.99 (or get a frameless one for $19.99).

    19. vertical Ninja Belgian waffle maker that literally just makes so much sense. No one likes watching batter ooze out from the sides of their iron, so this is seriously what dreams are made of (shoutout to Lizzie McGuire and Isabella). 

    reviewers Ninja waffle maker on their counter
    reviewers vertical waffle maker with waffle in it

    Check it out on TikTok!

    Promising review: "If you have used a traditional waffle maker you know what a MESS it makes. You close the lid down and the batter just drips down the side and you either constantly clean between waffles or you’re left with a nice crusty mess at the end. This waffle maker DOES NOT MAKE A MESS AT ALL!! I made 10 waffles, used no cooking spray and no oil on the waffle iron and each waffle easily came out and left no mess at all. I barely had to clean after! Waffles are now one of my new favorite easy things to make! —M. Blanke

    Get it from Amazon for $79.95.

    20. Or a stuffed waffle maker because hellooooo, a stuffed freakin' waffle?! Sounds fire. 

    reviewers waffle stuffed with peanut butter and chocolate
    Person adding chocolate chips to batter in a waffle iron for delicious homemade waffles

    Check out a TikTok of the stuffed waffle maker for inspo! 

    Promising review: "I bought this after I saw a video on TikTok, so I had an idea about the yummy waffles I could make. First waffles were stuffed with apple pie filling. Second ones had scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese. Just amazing!!! The only way you could make this better is to send a chef!! I definitely recommend watching a video on TikTok or YouTube to inspire you before you start!!" —Adirondackdarling 

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99

    21. A pair of the most adorable astronaut bookends with anti-slip bases that'll add a cute, quirky little touch to your book shelf. They're perfect for kids and adults *but* reviewers do recommend that you don't use books that are super heavy! 

    reviewers two astronaut figurines supporting notebooks
    reviewers astronaut figurine holding up books on a shelf

    Promising review: "I got these for my husband as a gift for his office and he thought they were so cool. They are sturdy and hold up books well. I did think that the bookends were quite large, being that the astronauts certainly standout. Great for your outer space fan!" —LilacsInFairfax

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in four colors).

    22. funny dish towel because you fully identify with David being completely confused by Moira telling him to fold in the cheese. Can anyone *actually* explain how the heck you fold it?! David, we are all just as confused as you were and your frustration was valid. 

    white kitchen towel with the phrase

    Moonlight Makers is an Asheville, North Carolina-based small biz.

    Promising review: "One of the best accent pieces in my kitchen! We love this towel so much we don’t even use it to dry dishes LOL." —Megan and Sean

    Get it from Amazon for $15.95 (available in two colors and with four different phrases).

    23. A simple tennis bracelet, which will have everyone thinking you spent some serious coin on a Swarovski one. It's jaw-droppingly gorgeous and the price?! Wooo! Luxury for the low, what could be cooler? 

    a hand with the bracelet on it
    reviewer wearing the bracelet with a watch

    Promising review: "Soooo pretty. It’s 100% a Swarovski alternative for so cheap. Looks exactly like the photo and I wear it every day." —Trysten Walters

    Get it from Amazon for $17.95 (available in two styles, a two-pack, and in three colors and sizes). 

    24. A gorg tabletop firepit because you want s'mores but it is too dang cold outside and you don't wanna drop money on the big fire pits. This thing is an absolute vibe and will have everyone like "oohhhh, aaaah" when you pull it out. 

    reviewers lit fire pit with plate of s'mores ingredients
    gif of my friends black burning fire pit on s'mores charcuterie board, Jordan Grigsby/BuzzFeed

    And grab some isopropyl alcohol to light this bad boy up!

    See it in action on TikTok!

    Promising review: "Purchased for a Christmas party and ended up using it for three other parties after its debut! Simple set up. Used mostly for s’more making but it definitely was a huge hit! I thought I would taste the alcohol that was used for the flame but not at all. Perfect tabletop decor, flame is manageable, and plexiglass sides gave a sense of safety for kids using them. Definitely recommend. —808Shopper

    Get it from Amazon for $36.99+ (available in six colors/styles).

    25. A set of 14 dimmable lights you can attach to a mirror that you already have for a DIY vanity project. These'll make you love getting ready just a bit more.

    reviewers mirror with dimmable lights on it
    gif of Jordan Grigsby's vanity mirror with lights fading and getting brighter, Jordan Grigsby / BuzzFeed

    How do you do a DIY vanity mirror you may ask? It's actually way easier than you'd think. The gif above is mine! My mom gave me a nice, huge, frameless mirror for Christmas (mine is from Home Depot) *so* I bought these lights, arranged them how I liked, attached 'em, taped the wires behind the mirror, and attached the mirror to the wall using mirror clips. *Voila* the most perfect (and affordable) vanity EVER. Oh! And you can watch some TikTok videos to see how to do it. 

    Promising review: "I love this product! Added them to my mirror to give it that vanity look on a budget and it sure did! Super bright and it's so cool that the lighting can be adjusted! I’ve had this product for a long time now and none have popped off so they're definitely durable. Would 100% recommend." —Izzy Braddy

    Get a 14-pack from Amazon for $24.99 (also available in a 10-pack).

    26. A manifestation journal because manifesting interests you but you don't really know how to do it. This little book will help you ~attract the life you want~ using the 369 method, which is a type of repeated meditation where you rely on the good vibes and positive energy of the universe to help you achieve your dreams. Getting one and manifesting Jacob Elordi is now at the top of my to-do list. Intuitive babes tap in. 

    Book cover of

    Still kinda confused? So how this works is you'll pick an affirmation or goal that you wanna achieve and write it in this journal three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. There are also weekly and monthly check in pages!

    Promising review: "This book is exactly what I needed to start my journey to a better life in 2024. This journal helped me write down my goals and mentally practice a positive outlook. I am excited for the journey ahead." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $9.74.

    27. A rechargeable electric protein shaker bottle because you hate getting to the bottom of your after-workout snack and finding chunks of powder. A two-hour charge will provide you with a month's worth of use — now that's one heck of a shaker bottle.

    reviewers black shaker bottle next to jar of protein
    gif of reviewers shaker bottle mixing shake

    Promising review: "I bought this for my boyfriend who drinks protein shakes every day. His last bottle started leaking and it was hard to get the powder to completely dissolve. So far he has LOVED this. It mixes the powder perfectly and it's fun to watch it. We loved this bottle so much that he ended up buying me one as well to return the favor. It is super easy to charge and clean. If you drink protein powders regularly, this is definitely worth it." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99+ (available in seven colors).

    You every time you enter your kitchen and see your dish towel: